Auto Repair Shop Marketing With Digital Inspection Reports

How to use Digital Inspection Reports to market your auto service shop.

Digital inspection reports are powerful sales tools. They give service advisors solid evidence for the auto services they recommend to their customers, giving customers the confidence they need to accept your recommended auto service work.

One of the easiest, most effective ways to market an auto repair service shop is with digital inspection reports. Photos and short videos of actual vehicle problems and the photo-documented repair or service of the vehicle are powerful statements of the work your shop does, the skills your auto repair technicians have, and how customers are treated.

Smart auto service shops used paper vehicle inspection reports and supported their service recommendations with photos and short videos long before digital inspection reports were available. Digital inspections simply improved a great sales improvement method by making it more efficient and easier for both the customer and the business owner.

Digital Inspection Reports are one of the strongest sales tools an automotive service business can use. We believe in this so strongly that we require every business listed on the Local Auto Experts website to use digital inspections.

PS. We don't sell or receive a commission for promoting digital inspection tools. We feel they are a fabulous business sales tool! The best auto service shops use them, and we want nothing but the best businesses on the Local Auto Experts website.

How to Get Listed on Local Auto Experts