2008 Toyota Avalon came to our Toyota repair shop in Ann Arbor with concern about poor brake performance. A brake inspection found all brake caliper slides were seized, causing poor brake performance, dragging brake pads, and worn-out brake pads. A complete front and rear brake replacement was performed with a brake fluid flush and replacement.
Our Toyota brake specialist took this 2008 Toyota Avalon for a test drive to check the customer's concern that the brakes were not working correctly. Our technician found the brake pedal almost went to the floor before the brakes engaged and needed to be pumped twice to fully activate the brakes. Even with maximum pressure applied to the brake pedal, the brakes didn't have much stopping power and produced a grinding sound in the rear of the vehicle.
Brake Inspection
A full inspection of all four brakes found that each wheel had uneven wear between the inner and outer brake pads, indicating seized brake caliper slides.

The front brakes had a 2mm difference between the inner and outer brake pads, and the rear brakes had a 4mm variance between the inner and outer pads.
Seized brake caliper slides do not allow the caliper to float and center the brake pads on the rotor. One brake pad does most of the braking and causes uneven brake pad wear. A seized brake caliper can also cause dragging brakes and poor fuel mileage. Seized or sticking brake calipers can also require the driver to pump the brakes to make them apply.
The inboard brake pads on both front and rear brakes were at or near the discard thickness. One rear pad was grinding metal to metal on the rotor. This brake problem is caused when the caliper slides become rusted and can not slide freely so that the braking power is applied evenly to both brake pads. When the caliper cannot slide on its mounting frame, the inner brake pad, which the caliper piston pushes against, receives the majority of the braking pressure, which prematurely wears the inner pad.

All brake rotors needed to be replaced. The rotors had rust buildup from the outer brake pads not contacting the rotor and were also worn close to the minimum thickness. One rear rotor was damaged by the metal-to-metal contact with the worn-out brake pad.
The brake hoses looked very old and could be the original hoses. The brake fluid looked very old and contaminated. A brake fluid condition test showed 3% moisture contamination. A brake fluid moisture level of 2% will damage internal brake parts and ABS system components. The brake fluid should be flushed and replaced with new brake fluid.

The customer was informed that the brake problem was dangerous and would persist until the brake system was repaired. We recommended a brake service, including replacing the front and rear brake pads, brake rotors, brake calipers, brake hoses, and a brake fluid flush and replacement. A detailed inspection report with photos was sent to the customer with a detailed estimate. The customer approved the brake repair and we got to work!
Brake Repair
We did a front brake service with remanufactured calipers, new brake pads, new rotors, and new brake hoses, a rear brake service with remanufactured calipers, new brake pads, new rotors, and new brake hose, and a brake fluid flush and replacement.
Quality remanufactured brake calipers were chosen because they provide good value compared to rebuilding the calipers in our shop or buying new calipers. Remanufactured calipers also come pre-assembled with new brake pads, which saves on labor. Also, if the vehicle brake fluid has not been changed in a long time, the calipers can have significant hidden internal corrosion and cost more for us to rebuild than when factory-remanufactured calipers are used.
First, the brake hydraulic system is flushed with new brake fluid. The new fluid clears the old brake fluid from the master cylinder, ABS control valve, ABS pump, combination valve, metering valve, proportioning valve, and lines to each wheel. Doing this first keeps the old brake fluid from contaminating the new brake calipers and brake hoses. Once the new brake parts are installed, the hydraulic system is bled to fill the new calipers and purge any air from the system.
Next, our brake specialist removed the old brake calipers, brake pads, brake hoses, and brake rotors on both the front and rear axles. The axle hubs were cleaned and inspected for damage where the brake rotor mounts. The wheel stud threads are checked for damage which would prevent the wheel from being tightened to the rotor and hub and prevents brake vibration. The most common cause of brake vibration and shimmy is an unclean caliper mounting surface or damaged wheel studs.
Then, the brake caliper mounting frame is cleaned and inspected for thread damage. Once the new calipers are mounted on the hubs, the caliper mounting frames are installed and the retaining bolts were tightened. New brake hoses were installed onto the new remanufactured calipers. The new calipers with brake pads are placed on the new brake rotors and bolted to the caliper frame. The brake hoses are then attached to the steel brake lines and the final brake fluid bleeding is done.
After a final quality control check the wheels are installed and wheel nuts torqued to specification. A final test drive was done to break in and seat the new brake pads and check that the brakes performed correctly. The driver can now use the vehicle without worrying about being able to stop!
Brake Repair Cost
Advertised brake service prices vary greatly. The difference comes from a wide range in the quality of the replacement parts, the skill of the technician, the quality of the work performed, having up-to-date brake repair equipment and tools, and the guarantee provided if there is a problem. Of all the different auto services available, brake repair has the most serious safety consequences. Is brake repair something you want to cut corners on?
Certified quality replacement parts, either new or remanufactured, simply cost more. But they almost always have a longer life which means greater value for the cost. Quality parts also fit properly, perform better, and have fewer warranty problems.
Doing correct, quality brake service takes more time and so costs more. To do a correct brake repair, the technician needs to be experienced and have current training on the best brake service methods. Having your brake repair performed by a certified and licensed technician ensures safe brake performance. But highly skilled technicians who can do safe, quality brake service cost more to hire.
The equipment and tools a brake repair shop has makes a big difference in the quality of the brake service they do. Having good brake repair equipment is expensive. Every year new brake repair equipment must be upgraded or replaced to allow work on newer vehicles. It is a large investment that allows us to provide high-quality brake service.
Quality brake service has very few problems and warranty problems. But if you do have a problem, we will make it right with no argument.
The seized brake caliper problem is usually caused by the previous brake service. With low-price brake repair, the brake pads are often replaced with no cleaning or lubrication of the calipers. If the caliper slides are not cleaned and lubricated when the brake pads are replaced, the caliper slides often seize before the brake pads need their next replacement.
A seized caliper causes one brake pad to do most of the braking and suffers premature, rapid wear of a single pad. This greatly shortens the life of the brake pads and results in a short brake life and very poor value!
The seized caliper problem could have been prevented with periodic brake inspections where a good technician would have noticed this problem and recommended lubricating the caliper slides and getting maximum life from the brake pads.
- Get an annual brake inspection. As part of our oil change service, we do a digital multi-point vehicle inspection with photos of any found problems that would flag problems, such as the need for a brake caliper lubrication service. Catching and repairing a brake caliper problem early can greatly extend the life of brake pads and postpone an expensive brake service. Brake caliper lubrication service is inexpensive compared to a complete brake repair.
- Flush and replace the brake fluid every two years or when brake fluid moisture reaches 2% or greater. Brake caliper pistons can also seize internally when the brake fluid is not flushed and replaced. The moisture contamination in the old brake fluid causes the brake caliper piston to corrode and stick in the caliper housing. This brake problem usually causes lower overall brake performance and increased brake drag when the corroded caliper piston doesn't retract when the brakes are released. The brake pads drag on the brake rotors, overheat, and rapidly wear out.
Brake Repair shop in Ann Arbor, MI
We provide high-value brake service in Ann Arbor, MI, for all Toyota models. We believe in quality, safe brake repair at the best value price. We are a Japanese auto repair specialist and provide brake service for all makes and models of cars and light trucks.